7 Inspirational TED Talks For College Students!

Inspiration finds a seat in the untouched, unheard and unimagined of places within each one of our lives. You just need a trigger, to witness their actuality, resourcefulness, and relatability. Life as you may see it has varied things to offer. You have answers to the most intricate of questions when you start to observe yourself and become more alert to your surroundings. College life is not only about framing your professional career. It’s more about shaping yourself as Who you really want to be!

Okay! Okay!  without doing much talking, I am just going to be in a seat beside you and ensure that theseTEDTalks inspire you the way,  they did to me.

7. A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

It’s very easy to pave a way for addiction into your college lives, on the pretext of stress busting. Are you like- The test didn’t go well? Let’s have pizza! Oh! How could she break up with me? Need some Belgian chocolate ice-cream to soothe my burning heart. I can’t take the pressure anymore. Let me smoke it away! Before you realize, you are addicted to the notion of feeling good-by smoking or careless eating.  Psychiatrist Judson Brewer, in this video, explains how habits are mechanized by ‘Trigger, Behavior & Reward‘. He studied the relationship between mindfulness and addiction and discovered a simple but profound tactic that might help you beat your next urge to smoke, snack or check a text while driving. That’s being CURIOUS! Learn how you can free yourself from the shackles of addiction with this video.

6. How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

You and I or anyone, want to be heard. Especially, when you want your opinions to be considered in a non judgemental way, the urge grows stronger. But has it happened to you, that what you said has been misinterpreted? Yes, it happens quite often and instead of realising where your words are falling short, you claim that No one understand you. With this talk you will realise what went wrong and how you can HAIL the positivity in your voice. In this video, the sound expert, Julian Treasure, demonstrates some useful vocal exercises and shares tips on how to speak with empathy, he offers his vision for a sonorous world of listening and understanding.

5. Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model. |Cameron Russell

I remember how important it was for me to have a flair for fashion and stand out among the college folks. How I’d wake up hours before college, go on a mad diet, to look great everyday. It was because people’s opinionated appreciation and approval was my driving force. But after witnessing how Cameron Russell, a supermodel, isn’t how she is portrayed in her Vogue cover or ramp walks; how she was a little girl who had not got her first period in her first photo shoot; how it’s simpler things and not her shinier hair or thinner thighs that makes her happy; I realised it’s not about how I look but how I feel. You are all unique and beautiful. Do anything that would make you feel satiated and happy rather than seeking approval of others!

4. Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

Hail the Procrastinators out there! You have a miraculously surprising power to create masterpieces just before the deadline. Your Rational Decision Maker somehow replaces the Instant Gratification Monkey from the wheel to cast you out safely from the storm of deadlines. In this hilariously relatable and intriguing talk, Tim Urban- Blogger at Wait But Why,  delves deep in the brains of procrastinators and shares his experience of how he was casual for his TEDTalk  until the time he had his face on the website for the same, staring right back at him. Only the Panic Monster pushes you to complete your work but that doesn’t always produce the best out of you. But with entrepreneurial ventures or something you wish to start, has no deadlines as there is no work done. Here nothing can wake the Panic Monster and so you need to realise what is worth your time and get going!

3. The Wheel Of Modern Education | Gautam Khetrapal

Standing at the College- Corporate juncture, did you ever feel that the skills that they teach you in college, doesn’t suffice for the job roles you get? Well, we are taught about obsolete technologies and we suffer as we do not update ourselves. In his eye-opening speech – Gautam Khetrapal, a member of MindValley, asks people to break the bondage of outdated education and devise their own curriculum. One should find their TRIBE, seek DEEP IMMERSION and formulate Self Education. If you are a coder, find your tribe(like minded people driven with similar goals and interests), immerse yourself with the pleasure of doing what you like and Educate yourself to hone your skills! If you are a writer, join the Writer’s communities, seek knowledge, find courses that will improve your writing skills and improve your pre-existing knowledge. That’s a key to success!

2. The power of introverts – Susan Cain

Introverts are the Secret Superstars, who are found in the cosiest of places creating intelligent of things! College being a HubSpot demanding a little extroversion, outwardness and more social, can be a really tough place for people seeking solitude. It’s time you deem this introversion as a boon and stop feeling out of place. You are contributing in your own good way and with Susan Cain’s passionate talk you will realise the power you behold! It’s time you stop proving yourself or to the world to fit in and rather embrace your peace-seeking self. Introverts prove to be great leaders and creative thinkers as they have the wield power from solitude and efficaciously turn it into things of importance and relevance.

1. Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan

Emotions are gripping and overwhelming. In this world of uncertainties, reality becomes virtual and virtual becomes real. Your every move is judged, your decisions are discussed and you are interpreted or misinterpreted throughout your life. Shah Rukh Khan needs no introduction. The Super Star shares his transforming story from a broke Indian freedom fighter’s Muslim son to the ‘Baadshah of Bollywood’. He asserts on how love is the true essence to make things happen and to connect with humanity! He talks about how your actions will be misjudged by gruesome onlookers and how you can stop these things from failing you. Use the power of love to break barriers and make this world a better place, thereby enlightening your true self!

College is a step encompassing just a meager 4.4% of your entire estimated span of 90 years(We hope you live to be 100!).  Every minute of it compounds to who you will become. These people share the best and worst of their experiences which we all have lived or will live in the future. I am sure you are feeling all the more enlightened and inspired now. Share with everyone you know, organize a TEDx Talk event in your college with TheCollegeFever.com Go evolve and make a change!!

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